Our essential outdoor skincare story in a nutshell

We love nature, we love exploring and we love our bodies. So we wanted to create something that is not only good for the planet and our skin, but something that is easy to tag along on your ride and super easy to use. And with that in mind, our organic skincare range was born.

You don’t need a million cosmetics that cost the earth – just the essentials!

Explore Where Our Products Have Been Around the World!


Explore Where Our Products Have Been Around the World!


Clivina Wills

Meet the brands founder

A true lover of nature and an adventure seeker. Clivina got tired of having to lug around products that were over 90% water, when water was readily available in most places she travelled to, be it from streams, rain or even piped water. They were bulky, over the luggage limit, unpractical in the shower and to top it off mostly not very good for nature or your skin. Combining her skills as a qualified Natural skincare formulator and her love of nature she knew there was a solution to these issues. It has taken her just over a year of research and formulating with Chemists to finally reach our end products. They not only address the above pain points but they are also good for nature and you. These are either concentrated (Hair & Body wash) or dual purpose (Sunscreen & Insect repellent) cutting down on the number of products that you need to travel with. All ingredients used will not harm nature in any way. As Clivina likes to say, “from Nature, for Nature”.

Check out our interview with Dorset Biz News!

Catch our featured interview with Dorset Biz News to learn more about our story and mission!